Just a quick keto & not so keto family snack

Am pus rapid o cutie de iaurt 10%, din cea mică, marcă chipurile grecească, a fost singura care mi-a plăcut de-a lungul dietei keto. Am mai pus o lingură de tahina și mi-am tras eu de-o parte o porție as such. Apoi în ce-a rămas am pus o linguriță de miere bună, de părintele de la Glodeanu cumpăr, și am presărat câteva firicele de floare de lavandă de la mine din curte. Desert! A hăpăit fetița fără să clipească. Floricica e de-aici, am cules-o astăzi, am pozat-o și am mâncat-o :).



Cum e când se mănâncă cu mâna

salata de cartofiSalata asta a fost mâncată cu mâna, deci se poate. E drept, copilul de doi ani a făcut gestul. Ăla mare a mâncat regulamentar, dar tot nu a rămas nimic în farfurii. Se vede treaba că e de succes.  Un kil de cartofi, opt ouă, o legătură zdravănă de ceapă verde, sare, piper, ulei de măsline în care dorm căţeii de usturoi cu enibahar şi boabe de piper. Cam atât.


Nu am avut niciodată dilema…

Nu ştiu alţii cum sunt dar eu apuc doar duminica să fac ceva, dincolo de o încropeală groaznică, de mâncare. Norocul e că ai mei mănâncă practic orice şi sunt rezistenţi la improvizaţii. Mi-a venit în minte să fac liste (sunt mare făcătoare de liste, pot să fac orice fel de liste) cu felurile de mâncare pentru familia mea. Dar asta când voi avea un pic mai mult timp.Nu am fost niciodată în dilemă… ce să fac de mâncare, ce să fie, ce să fie? Săptămâna asta începe cu salată de cartofi cu ou, paste la cuptor cu toate brânzele din frigider şi un pic de şuncă afumată, plus orez cu lapte. Un orez cu lapte mai altfel, ca să nu ne plictisim. Cartonaşul de printat, aici.

orez cu lapte

În timp ce scriu postarea asta, fiică-mea îşi trage disperată scăunelul la masa mare, unde băieţii s-au pus pe mâncat paste la cuptor. I-au dat şi ei, ce să facă. Ceea ce mă duce cu gândul că trebuie să explic şi cum am obţinut doi copii complet ne-mofturoşi la mâncare, care mănâncă orice, oricum, în orice poziţie şi orice situaţie. Şi cum am făcut, dincolo de datele genetice împrumutate direct de la bunicul meu, să fie fiu-meu de 1.75m la 13 anişori.

Someone wise said I ‘d have some stories to tell, just I do not know it yet…

So you guessed that much: I live in Hong Kong.
Some frequent questions when you meet new people or you socialize more with acquaintances here: “do you like to cook? “, I mean “to cook by yourself at home?” …this might sound like a question from Mars back home, but in Hong Kong I came to realize is a rarity to cook. So people ,very normal in their remark ,are utterly genuinely very surprises. Hong Kong is intense, dynamic, has small kitchens, very small kitchens, and is really quite cheap to eat outside. Eating in a restaurant (which you can find pretty much in any price range ) ,noodle shop, food court, take away cooked food from supermarket are all staples here.

Seriously, many a times I also ask myself “why bother?” and go shopping, carry bags home, wash veggies ,cut onions and garlic of the world, start crying and cooking at the same time ? I knooowwww. I never saw this future coming – I never foresaw to develop a passion for cooking. (Baking cakes maybe was an old nice memory that I cherish as I was baking cakes with my brother and all the kids on the block). The only plausible answers might be : cooking brings people together and I love having people over for entertaining. Cooking also taught me some interesting cultural aspects and also showed me in so many ways how many cultures resemble.

So, it helps me create, make borders disappear even if only in my imagination and helps me …meditate or concentrate. One of those. Well, even if it sounds weird, it is still what it is.

The next frequent question is “ So,what is your favourite cuisine? Do you cook Romanian dishes? “ Mo ! ( this is No in catonese ). “Mo LoMaNya. Mtsi do “. ( no Romanian – which will be short for “I do not cook Romanian dishes” in this context.”I do not know how” ). …. And here we got ourselves a puzzle and then more questions and here I am telling some fascinating stories about my inspiration. This is how I also get my friends mouth watering for some next cooking … I am such an enthusiast and enthusiasm is contagious as you know.

Hey, I ain’t that bad either –I do have some tricks up my sleeve; polenta, my mum’s cheese macaroni (ca la mama acasa ), half -moon cakes ( semilune )… I do like my friends and family back in Romania spoil me with national treasures.

How do I pick though what I cook? Story goes back to the fact that while I am getting younger and younger I discover in time new intolerances to this and that , lactose, gluten – I try for some time to avoid it even if not really that intolerant to it, I kinda quit sugar entirely recently . I am somehow fascinated by choices vegan or vegetarian kitchen always has to offer . I am a Pisces. I like to swim around, I just dive in many cuisines , check them, try them out, but I am still in love with some good old tenderloin or meatballs. Some recipes get stuck with me for ever but I can assure you even if I repeat a recipe I always twist some ingredients and play with it and recreate it again and again . As you understand , feedback to my lab experiences go like this “what happened to this one- it was different last time !” ( read this as – today result is really bad ! ) . Or …”Oh my oh my I just went to heaven and want to stay there, what did you do , how do you do it! “…This heaven thing happens like maybe 70% …I always give myself high grades.

Basic rules- where do I look first for inspiration : nowadays, Instagram would be numero uno! I just follow hundreds of nice people with loads of ideas. My another numero uno principle is “No need to rediscover America “ – seriously, so much inspiration out there –I do not think I will work on my own recipes at all . For now. Numero due inspiration : cook books. I love the beautiful ones, with great stories, photographs, amazing people behind, nice areas ,nice tales to read and enjoy .We can make this the topic for some further stories .For example “The Kinflok Table” –a beauty of a book …. This was only one insight for today, enough is enough .

So, two surprises for you: 2 recipes selection that I found to be soooo yummy and different .

An incredible as they say vegetarian pizza from here


Why I loved it? This is a gluten free pizza with DIY ( do it yourself) base- from squash ( I like squash a lot ) and some quirky flours like garbanzo flour and almond meal . Easy to make. It gets then a great sauce on top – cashew nuts mixed with baby spinach ( you need a food processor ) ,then add tomatoes, salad –arugula, or other toppings that you like. I avoided cheese this time but can work perfect with some mozzarella as well . It has a slight sweeter taste from the squash . It is delicious however and a big hit at any parties you have home.

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Another simple recipe : Quinoa salad in pineapple shell ! – I saw a picture somewhere- probably on Instagram and I just used my imagination to design the content.
If you tried quinoa (which is otherwise very good for you ) – you know already that on its own has NO taste. You might prefer to use couscous instead, or bulgur, or rice. Quinoa is easy to cook and you can store it in the fridge for longer time .
You need then to mix up some ingredients that you love and make it both colorful and tasty .I generally mix : avocado , pomegranate seeds, cherry tomatoes,spring onion finely chopped, lime juice, olive oil …salt and pepper ,daaahhh – and pineapple cubes if you follow my example and make the shell the plate as well . The juice from the pineapple shell will also blend it. Is really nice –I tell yoooouuuuu my dear.


Of course, if one listens to my brother he would comment “ If Maggie says is nice,I will have my doubts, as she tries all weird combinations “ .
So, try it by yourself . What can I say, just decide if the recipe is a keeper or not. Is a keeper for me that is all.

Have fun and laugh a lot!

Keto Low Carb da’ bun

Au rămas gălbenuşuri de la balerină, ultimul pachet de vinete coapte congelate şi un avocado going-going-gone, adică fix între secunda „bine copt” şi „bye-bye”. Salată de vinete cu avocado, cu sos maioneză de casă, doar din gălbenuş. Cu ulei de masline în care ţin căţei de usturoi decojiţi, boabe de enibahar şi de piper negru. Timp de execuţie: cât genericul de la doctoriţa Pluşica. Fiecare cu reperele lui.

E low carb – vinetele sunt pe lista legumelor ok, galbenuşul e pure fat, avocado e grăsime bună, maioneza e ok pentru keto, puţină sare şi o linguriţă de zeamă de lămâie. Ceapă roşie tocată.

Ca să nu-mi iasă vorbe că aici se mănâncă doar dulce.

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